Carpenstreet Office
Interior Design
Design 2022
Construction 2022
Carpenstreet, which operates ACON 3D, a 3D modeling source platform for media creators, is based on architecture. A representative who majored in architecture created a website that allows webtoon, game, and video producers around the world to share and sell forgotten modeling files on the Internet after each semester's project. The name Carpenstreet is also a combination of a carpenter and the street, which means creating a gathering street that can meet the needs of makers around the world.
Only 3 persons started this company in 2019, now 50 crews are working in this office. The passionate people from various fields gathered to create a base camp, where users get essential supplies before going on an adventure. From the start and during the progress of the project, the number of the camp members steadily increased one by one or two weeks, so that five floors, a total of 826 square meters, needed to be designed considering the increase of the number of people, each floor becoming a street with different program, constructing CarpenCity.

The entire street is a welcome and comfort lounge on the 4th floor, an intensive meeting on the 5th floor, and a walking street on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors, which changes from a comfortable and open space to a space for intensive work.
The lounge on the fourth floor is the first meeting place with Carpen City, where events such as welcoming guests or town halls are held, and it is usually a light and comfortable work space. Focusing on the street where large numbers of people can gather across the middle of the lounge, the function is gradually changed to a kitchen and pocket table inside, a squirrel cave stand that combines relaxation and work from a playground where you can relax and play, and a rest lounge where you can relax while looking at the outside.
Street for intensive meetings on the 5th floor efficiently arranges meeting rooms in consideration of the frequent work characteristics, and consists of a private meeting cell that is not disturbed, and a casual meeting room that allows meetings in an outdoor free atmosphere.
Considering that the walking streets on the 6th, 7th, and 8th floors are office spaces used by large numbers of people, it focuses on efficient space composition and compressed Chikachika Room, Phone Booth, Small Kitchen, and OA in connection with existing toilets into stations.

As the first interior project of Narrative Architects, it was a project that could implement fun and new attempts, such as hidden doors at the main entrance, projection mapping for communication between floors (to be built later), and interior signage design using logos that seem to be stacked on Carpenter Street.
Architects: Narrative Architects
Lead Architects : Namin Hwang, Sihong Kim
Area : 830 m²
Photographs :Sooyoung Choi
Location : Seoul, Republic of Korea